Whitsett thinks he isn’t an artist, but he’s wrong. “There’s a big art
scene here in Lowell,” he explains. “When I first came here people said
‘Oh you’re an artist, you fix guitars,’ but I don’t think of myself that
way. I’m a mechanic. Although I appreciate there’s a difference between
this and fixing an Oldsmobile.”... More...
Chris Trapper - Gone Again
(2005 Always Gone Music/SESAC)
Some albums manage to be more than music, more than song or
sound. If you catch it right, and if you’re open to it, they are windows
into moments, and invitations to truth. No great Truth, mind you, other
than what it feels like to be on the road, or sitting in your backyard
on a warm day, or in love. Some albums are something more. Chris
Trapper’s Gone Again is...
The New Pornographers played
in front of a packed house who eagerly waited for the headliner, Belle &
Sebastian. The Vancouver-based band showed flashes of brilliance, yet
seemed to somehow miss a beat without their power pop leader, Neko Case.
They played most of the Twin Cinema album lacking effort or emotion.
Boston Beats would like to
thank all who joined us on Friday, September 3rd for the Mass Bay Cruise
Lines Music Cruise with Fast Times. The show was nothing short of a party
with dancing, nostalgia and plenty of drinks for all. We would like to
send a special thanks to Marc, Adam, Sophia, John, Greg, and Mass Bay
Lines' Kelley Yelle for making the show possible.
picking, similar to guitar playing, can be as simple or complex as you
want to make it. Most people are content with the basic up/ down picking
patterns whereas the more you delve into tone, feel and approach, you
may find you'll get more mileage out of using various picking techniques
to add variety and diversity to your playing. For this lesson, I'll be...